Indian super star shahrukh khan

Shahrukh Khan was born in Delhi on November 2, 1965, he completed his studies in Delhi University City Jamia College, after that Shahrukh Khan reached the film industry Mumbai to try his luck, but he did not have any identity in his film industry. Because he used to sleep at the railway station for many days,

Many times he had to stick to the police at the railway station while sleeping at night, only then Shahrukh Khan had taken his heart, today no one knows us, tomorrow we will rule the whole India and the whole world, and we people Shahrukh Khan will be known by the name of,

Then within a few days, Sharukh Khan got work in a TV serial, and the name of that TV serial was Fauji, after that again got second TV serial Circus, after that Sharukh Khan got Hindi first film Deewana, this film made to Sharukh  Khan a star, after this film darr, This film made to Shahrukh Khan a superstar,  how do you like shahrukh khan to write  in comment me

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